Sunday, June 22, 2014

Latest Antichrist Maitreya Message

"The new civilization"

At the beginning of this New Age which is dawning it is difficult for many to imagine the kind of civilization and culture which will grace the succeeding centuries. Most attempts to do so remain enmeshed in a materialistic vision; seldom does one see the effort made to embody the aspiration of mankind for a life of spiritual meaning and expression.
Let us try to envisage the future in terms of the new civilization and culture. Soon, the first steps will be taken in the direction of the new dispensation. Soon, the new signposts will be set, indicating the way ahead for humanity. At first, the changes will be gradual but eventually, in quickening momentum, all will be re-fashioned. *(Remember this was written in 1982! Things are quickening indeed!)

Let us consider the nature of the elements which will make up the new civilization. The outstanding attitude of the new time will be the attempt to create right relationships, to express goodwill. A massive shift in emphasis from the individual to the group will re-orientate humanity along more fruitful lines, and will reflect itself in the creation of structures more in keeping with the Plan of God. A further characteristic of the future time will be the desire to know better the nature of God and to come into closer relationship with that Divinity. From being peripheral to men’s lives, as is the case today, this aim will become paramount in the lives of millions. Accompanying this new approach to God will be a new reverence for all manifestations of life, thus bringing men into better alignment with the subhuman kingdoms. This new sense of responsibility for the lower kingdoms will speed their evolution and so serve the Plan.
Before long, a new approach to science will open the way for a complete re-adjustment in men’s attitude to the Reality in which we live. The new science will show humanity that all is One, that each fragmented part of which we are aware is intimately connected with all others, that that relationship is governed by certain laws, mathematically determined, and that within each fragment is the potential of the Whole. This new knowledge will transform men’s experience of the world and of each other and confirm for them the truth that God and man are One. Thus, the new science will demonstrate man’s divinity and will lead to the establishment of the New World Religion. The ancient schism between religion and science will be healed and a new impulse given to man’s spiritual growth.
In this fertile climate, the hidden psychic powers of man will unfold naturally and the vast potential of the human mind will conquer space and time and control the energies of the universe itself. The resources of the human spirit are unlimited. In a crescendo of revelation, the glory of the unseen worlds will be revealed to man’s astonished gaze and the full magnitude of the divine creation will be realized.
All this awaits man as he stands on the verge of the Aquarian experience. The waters of life of Aquarius, channelled to him by the Christ, will awaken in him his dormant divine consciousness and show him to be the God he is. Under the wise guidance of the Christ and His Brothers, man will attain the full stature of revealed divinity which is his birthright, did he but know it.
Stage by stage, century following century, man will build a civilization which will demonstrate his growing manifestation of divinity; a culture in which the beauty of the divine creation will be expressed in all its aspects, a mirror in which the Divine Idea will be reflected in all its glory.
Thus will man take his true place in the scheme of things under the Divine Plan. Thus, under the inspiration of the Christ, will he transform this world – separated by fear, dogma and hate – into that in which the Law of Love governs, in which all men are brothers, in which all that pertains to the divine nature engages man’s attention and controls his life. Thus will man’s dreams of divinity be realized, his potential be achieved, his destiny fulfilled.

TradCatKnight Commentary:
This is a re-publication of an older article given by these New Age Luciferians. Maitreya is the possible Antichrist, the Master Jesus or Yeshua Ben Joseph, whose real name is unknown is the False prophet slated to take over Rome which appears might happen once Antipope Francis resigns(latest propaganda in the news). Benjamin Creme is just their spokesman. We see these same terms being used by the Vatican II NewChurch as I have demonstrated in previous videos and articles because modernists are agents of antichrist Himself objectively speaking. We see the same "love" Vatican II preaches, the same "peace", "equality' and the "new civilization" that Pope John Paul II spoke of. So many delusional souls think these modernist Popes are speaking about something "catholic" or interpret in a Catholic sense but they only deceive themselves. Rome will lose the Faith(Dogma of Faith) our Lady warned in 1846 and it is Dogma these wolves are after. Soon an invalid excathedra turning Vatican II NewChurch into the Apostate Church of Darkness that Bl. Anna Emmerick saw and forewarned. I notice too how this new formulae from their pseudo science made by the soon False Prophet will deceive the masses into thinking we are ALL "ONE" without any Dogma.

"In a word, the Communists claim to inaugurate a new era and a new civilization which is the result of blind evolutionary force..."


Please watch this video to see the "new civilization of love" JPII spoke of! It is diabolical!

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