Wednesday, December 25, 2013

”Either thou art for Me or against Me”

Brothers and Sisters I write to you in the Selfless Love and peace of the Union and Marriage of Jesus Christ and His Heart and all thy blessings that flow forth from it. “But He emptied himself taking to form of a servant, being made into the likeness of men, and in habit found as man.” Phillipians 2:7.  Brethren, in this dark hour of heresy and novelty that pervades the Church it is with great reflection that we can find that humbleness of our Lord who came to witness, yea, but to leadeth by serving. The man who wilst not serveth only serveth himself for Selfless Love worketh. The King, whose Heart is thy Center and Source and End of all true service shouldst be our only attainable goal in all of our actions. Do we serveth self? Or do we serveth thee King? In the same fashion as He emptied Himself and came forth from Heaven unto this world as man; so to must we empty ourself as men that we might be elevated in grace throughst the Union with His Heart. Nigh, Selfless Love is humble and he who art among you that wouldst not serveth only art led by self. For in all our actions art either self or His Heart.

Yea, we art slaves unto His Heart. We art not our own and but have been ransomed by the King therefore we must holdeth onto that whichst hast been passed down since the beginning fearing no man nor illicit judgement. And in how shalst we returneth thy culture back unto our early fathers? It shalst be in thy every little movement of thy heart that thou must discipline and order unto His. Therefore, a man who knoweth not thy Faith, unequipped for battle howst will he standeth against the New Religion of man being implemented in the Conciliar Church? Howst can one fight whence he knoweth not what the fight art? Nay, the New Crusades of Thee Immaculate Heart hast begun and who wilst surrender their own life for the sake of Selfless Love and the greater cause of thee King. Who wilst day in day out remaineth in grace, grow in Wisdom and hold steadfast to sound doctrine? When thy eye of the soul art plucked and the vision within art taken away men thence art seized upon by erroneous philosophy and doctrines of man and not seized by the Heart our Lord. Nigh, souls art asleep and it is our Lady who cometh into thy dark room at dawn to turneth on thy Light and to awaken Her children from thy slumber.

Whenceforth, thy Faith divideth us all and yet it is our Faith that bindeth us all. To His sheep art promised thy rest in the forever green field but to thy goats, who art fallen away in this spirit of thy hour, He promises endless wandering uponst thy rocky cliffs who shalst seeketh but findeth not forever. Be ye not concerned with what manner of a man's tonque lasheth out against thee nor be concerned who art in thy camp and carry onward as a Soldier in thee Royal Army of thee Holy Queen. For if thy King art thy Lord of your Heart, the Army of One, trump the armies of none who art in thy world. It is clear thy enemies of thy Church art hidden in plain sight before all who art deceived. Yea, we must clothe our self in Tradition and Truth and remaineth clothed in thy Mantle of our Lady who wilst hideth us in Her Heart awayst from all thine enemies. We must have thy eyes of Paul and not Saul for that which once was is sought to be exterminated forever and that which art now thy doctrines from thy abyss beneath. To those who preserve a Crown for fidelity; to those who fall away by “fitting in” a deep unrelenting sadness for having turned away from those who hath presented Truth. May Our Lady guide, protect and guard your heart everyday in this exile.

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