"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Here is some of the latest coming through my inbox.  Be sure to invite your friends, family and church members to Tradcatknight!  The midnight hour is approaching...

It's funny how many in the alt-media are saying something BIG(LY - pun-intended) is going to happen in the next 2 months
corresponds to the middle date (do you own homework)

June 23, 1689 - June 23, 1789

oct 13, 1917 - oct 13, 2017???? (The Virgin at Fatima)

Nov xx, 1917 - Nov 2017????
Sean M
Dear Apostleofmary,

Thank you for your daily contribute about the situation of Church and world, I'm Federico Tendi from Catania (Italy).

I follow you since several months, and i like your choose about the mystical reading of events and following interpretation.
I have been interested about Marie-Julie-Jahenny's mystical prophecies, and i'd like to ask you why you have chosen her and if she is near San Pio X fraternity and the relative history.

thnaks in advance
Bests Rgds
Federico Tendi
Hi I saw a video you did on Marie Julie Jahenny and in it you said some thing about maitreya. You said people see him walk through walls and appear in different forms when meeting with different people. So I went on the web and looked for maitreya to see who this infamous person was and I can not find anyone who fit's the description that you described. The only things I found was articles on claimants of being maitreya but not anyone specifically that you had mention about some Cardinals has seen him walk through walls and such. My question is who is this person? From what I hear you say he is alive right now and is doing these miracles that our Lord has permitted him to do. Can you please take a little time and give me a link to see who this person is.

Thank you and God bless, Minh Vu
TCK:Antichrist seemingly has one good picture coming out of Kenya.  his real name is unknown
Spiritual Bouquet for TCK!!!
We prayed along with heaven for you today!
Included is my 30 year-old rendering of St. Augustine's Confession
which I just dug up yesterday!
For your readers:
Denise L.
Hi Eric,

I'd like to tell you that in August we in Poland experienced a very heavy storm
which destroyed many thousands of square meters of crops and forests,
but we also obtained a sign from the Heavens:

The storm fell on Orlik, a village near Gdansk and the Baltic coastline.
In the Monastery of the Franciscan Sisters of Penance and Christian Love (Novus Ordo, of course)
many trees got hit and crumbled, but the sacred statues remained standing.
Isn't that a sign of the heavenly hope?

Let Holy Mary keep you safe

Kris L

... Save on your Computer
Researchers worldwide will be able to hone in the true facts by collaborating what they discover or believe the machinations of the American Illuminati network formed in 1832 using the secret membership.
The work from Dr. Anthony Sutton was made whole by a brave young woman ... who knew of some of the goings-on of her father and grandfather.
Charlotte Iserbyt  saw what turned out to be the key to what appeared as senseless "TREASON".
The movie The Brotherhood of the Bell Glenn Ford has shades of the power over members.   FreeDownload: https://archive.org/details/TheBrotherhoodOfTheBell
Save the "Secret List" ... You are now in the "cat seat" to look at history with more accuracy then a book learned professor or the dupe writers of the hired media

This hyperlink for secret membershttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3teim0yZokqUy10bVZnb1JIMkk/view
For your readers....

"Charlotte, I was checking my email when your email came through. I took it upon myself to plead your case to President Trump. I gave the White House background information on you, as well as Sam's case. I also gave the White House your email address and phone number. I told them you can confirm that you and I have been corresponding on a regular basis. I will continue to do my part."

U.S. & Maine Constitutions Dead In Maine

In addition to the above gentleman's request, Sam and I want President Trump to take concrete action by directing ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFF SESSIONS to immediately commence a full-fledged investigation into Maine's Criminal Justice System.  Activists in Maine have been making this request of President Trump and Attorney General Sessions for several months now, to no avail.

At the same time Attorney General Sessions should be requested to shut down the unconstitutional Community Oriented Policing System (COPS program) and to cease unconstitutional  federal funding/supply of military equipment and police training to all states.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education


Dear Catholic friends on our national email list,

The recent hurricane has flooded the private homes of many of our fellow Traditional Catholics at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, TX.  The pastor, Rev. Charles van Vliet, FSSP, has just advised me that many who attend the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) there have experienced severe losses. 

And there is even WORSE news: 
Half of Houston homes, businesses hit by flooding may be uninsured - Fox Business.  If your property is not in a flood zone, and you don't have FEMA mandated flood coverage, the consequences are dire.
the newly constructed parish facilities have been spared damage from the hurricane so far, but this destructive epic storm is not over and is expected to last for days. 

As many of you know, I never ask for money to fund our operations here at www.RestoreAmericanLiberty.com INC.  However the needs of our fellow Traditional Catholics in Houston TX are desperate at this time. 

I am asking every Catholic within our reach to PLEASE make a generous donation directly via check today to the following address:

Regina Caeli Parish
8121 Breen Rd.
Houston, TX 77064
VERY IMPORTANT: Please notate "FLOOD RELIEF" on the memo line to assist the pastor, Rev. Charles van Vliet, FSSP, in allocating these funds to help his most affected parishioners.

I'm writing my own check this evening.  I pray that everyone will join with me in this effort.  Let's put our faith into action where it's most needed. 

May Almighty God reward all who respond,

Jim Komaniecki

Eric, I hope this email finds you feeling better.  I know you've been struggling.
I'd like to share with you a copy of the letter I sent to Cardinal Cupich after reading his interview on Yahoo.

August 25th, 2017

Dear Cardinal Cupich,
I have Robert Herguth to thank for presenting via Yahoo news, your words posted August 24, 2017, which I present back to you for comment: “Some of the greatest Christians I know are people who don’t actually have a kind of faith system that they believe in. But, in their activity, the way they conduct themselves, there’s a goodness there.”
With these two brief sentences, you have captured both the essence and the results of Vatican II which has been permitted to overwrite the one true Faith, replacing the means of salvation with the feel good humanitarianism of a false religion.
The princes of the Church acquiesced to this epistemological revolution in 1964 when the Ark of Salvation was unmoored from objective reason and the Natural Law and cast adrift on a sea of subjective relativism, there to be driven onto the rocks. And only the princes of the Church can right the Barque of Peter by repudiating Vatican II, its apostasy and of all its heresies.
With all due repsect, I ask you to view your words through the light of Faith, the one true Faith, and speak to the cause of our disorder, the operation of error to believe lying. I beg you to speak out and begin teaching the true doctrine entrusted to the Church by our Lord Jesus Christ himself for the salvation of souls.
I commend you to Athanasius of Alexandria and give you always my best wishes. 
J. Morris
ISIS Releases Statement To All Catholics-‘We Are Going To Take Over The Vatican And Slaughter The Pope For Allah’ |
Carole M.
We need to locate other people in our area that are preparing for end times! please help! my family moved to ozark county from CA for this purpose.
Chasidy C.

Dear Eric –

I continue to pray for your healing and recovery so that you may continue to do the work of God that you do.

I had a thought about Benedict XVI.  If he were the Pope that is to flee Rome eventually, then he would more than likely will be or have been visited by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, because she stated in her visions that she spoke to that Pope and advised him not to leave Rome, but he told her he felt he must leave and that he was still attached to earthly things.

What do you think?   I genuinely feel that he is a prisoner in the Vatican or Castle Gandolfo, and that he has been praying very much and may have made some advances back towards holiness and the Truth and away from the darkness of Vatican II and his former errors.  I do pray for him daily,

In the name of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Karen Karwowski

Raymond L,
For your followers....

Investors pull billions from US stocks in longest outflow streak since 2004

Ronald Bernard part 3, Revelations of an illuminati insider 

 The Bishops: Why the Silence?

The Bishops silence, the Government Money, and "Social Justice"

The following excerpts, from Christopher Manion’s reports, are examples of how government money has rendered the leaders of Holy Mother Church mostly mute on moral issues. Instead, "Social Justice" is preached. But what of the rest of the justices, Distributive and Commutative Justice, which are necessary for a just civil society? When these justices are omitted it  advances the goals of Socialism and Marxism. and the left's agenda. Manion's full reports are posted on the web site of Lew Rockwell. Please read these articles and pass this information to other Catholics.

 Part 1

“Long ago, Obama’s first grant for “community organizing” came from the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago. Ever since the Catholic bishops of the United States have cheered on this strategy of infiltration and inundation. They embraced the welfare state of FDR and LBJ and gave it their invaluable and coveted imprimatur.  In return, they were rewarded with untold billions of taxpayer funding for their nonprofits, what had once been truly independent Catholic charities, schools, and hospitals.
In fact, these once-honorable institutions have become just another gaggle of NGO’s – non-government organizations competing for federal money.
And they earn every penny, in subservience and silence.
Confronted with a secular culture of corruption and collapse, both financial and moral, our bishops chose not to combat it with the hard truths of the Gospel. Instead, they chose to endow it with what was once the priceless seal of approval of the Church.  As leading bishops now admit, they were repeatedly silent about the moral issues they were consecrated to protect. Meanwhile, the political factions whose agenda targeted those moral principles kept the bishops silent with their filthy lucre.
“What?? All of them??” you ask. Well, no: there were, and are some noble exceptions. But their opposition, if they could manage it at all, didn’t amount to a hill of beans.”

Part 2

It’s no secret. For the past eight years, the Obama Administration has attacked religious freedom on numerous fronts, from the notorious “HHS Contraception Mandate” and supporting Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal body parts to the campaign for SSM (“same-sex marriage”), going so far as to insist on incorporating sexual preference into the “rights” protected by the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The same goes for the administration’s support of universal, free abortion on demand until the moment of birth, both at home and abroad, funded by the taxpayer in domestic legislation as well as “family planning” components included in foreign aid programs.
In their attempts to defend the rights of Catholics – and other like-minded citizens – in such cases, Catholic bishops have valiantly insisted that the government must respect the rule of law regarding religious liberty. They have repeatedly pleaded with the courts and the administration to respect these fundamental rights.
Yet the Catholic bishops’ defiance of existing law regarding immigration puts the bishops’ argument in a profoundly weakened position with regard to principle: shorn of emotional trappings, their argument says simply that they want the federal government to vigorously support laws that they like while intentionally allowing those that they don’t like to go unenforced, all by design.
Part 3

Now there are specific Catholic teachings which are quite unpopular in our own age. Take abortion. Folks who support abortion “rights” accuse pro-lifers of forcing their religious – and that means Catholic – moral views on the public. The same goes for contraception. Pollsters would have us believe that nobody, even devout Catholics, really opposes the Pill – in fact, our modern age has welcomed the Pill as a liberator. Indeed, it has been the engine of the sexual revolution.

And yet, Catholic teaching tells us that natural law, as well as the moral law, forbids artificial contraception. Why it even forbids homosexual relations! Unpopular? Sure. Against the grain? Absolutely. In every age, good Catholics should expect that teachings like these will be unpopular. But they should also expect that however, unpopular these teachings are, Catholic bishops, as their spiritual leaders, would teach them, explain them, and defend them publicly and faithfully, in the face of whatever opposition might arise. Isn’t that their job?
Alas, with few precious exceptions, they don’t. And that lapse mystifies many Americans of good will and not only Catholics.
In fact, while Catholic bishops rarely defend those unpopular teachings in public, they make up for it with their resounding advocacy of the welfare state and the amoral “Social Justice” agenda of the American Left.

Part 4

Second: When our bishops and I were young, Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council (which concluded in 1965 under his successor, Pope Paul VI). While the Council’s stated purpose was to strengthen and deepen the faith in a world quickly becoming more secular, many Catholics, including a sizable number of bishops, considered it a clarion call for “change,” which was quickly disguised as a “reform.”
Third: for many Catholics (both bishops and laity), those “reforms” caused many bishops to attenuate, or simply to silence, their teaching and defense of the faith – especially the unpopular parts (e.g., sexual morality)
Fourth: And what did that “reform” comprise? As they turned away from tradition and teaching, reformers turned towards secular political action. While Church teaching was put on the shelf, demands “Social Justice” roared from hundreds of chanceries (a bishop’s headquarters) and thousands of parish pulpits.
But in 1965 (the year the Council ended) came LBJ, with his “Great Society,” offering countless billions to fund the “Social Justice” agenda and, in a move both clever and insidious, to fund Catholic higher education, hospitals, and welfare agencies. Notre Dame, my alma mater, which had long been governed by priests of the Holy Cross priests that founded it, quickly laicized its board to become eligible. To make their position even clearer, the university joined several other Catholic institutions and declared their independence from Rome, the Holy Father, and traditional Catholic teaching, while they lobbied Congress for more taxpayer dollars.
Since the 1960s, these “Catholic” institutions have received tens of billions of taxpayer dollars – an emolument now considered by bishops to be indispensable, given the decline in Sunday collections and the departure of thirty million Catholics from the Church after the “reforms” began. Bishops routinely hire professional lobbyists and PR experts (many who are profoundly opposed to Catholic teaching) to pursue and preserve that funding – by getting it from the government.
This crusade goes hand in hand with a policy of silence regarding any possible criticism of Catholic politicians who champion abortion rights.
Part 5

 Donald Trump has scared the devil out of America’s Catholic bishops. They have supported the Democrat agenda for so long – global warming, amnesty, raising the minimum wage, and national health care – that they can’t seem to let go.

Part 6

For years the bishops had set moral teaching aside and placed all their bets on the passage of legislation conferring amnesty on “undocumented immigrants.” It was a financially rewarding campaign, since the Obama Administration had been giving them hundreds of millions of dollars a year to harbor illegal aliens and Muslim “refugees.” Bishops undoubtedly expected that funding to grow under President Hillary Clinton, and they needed it desperately. So they decided that Hillary Clinton was the horse they were going to ride. She was going to win.
And then Trump won.
Like the rest of the establishment, Catholic bishops were shocked. They were simply and totally unprepared. Their feckless welfare agency bureaucracies, loaded with third-rate “experts” largely funded by the taxpayer, were as surprised and horrified as their colleagues in the opposition media. They had no “Plan B.” Countless bishops had spent the past year and more lambasting Trump and vilifying his supporters. After all, their “expert” staffs had assured them that Trump was a loser, period: so joining the anti-Trump hysteria was cost-free, while it could gain valuable support from a friendly media and the new Clinton administration for their taxpayer funding.

Part 7

On the day of the Charlottesville conflict, bishops called for unity and prayer and condemned hatred. Almost immediately the flaks from their DC lobbying arm got to them with a strong message: “It sounds like you’re agreeing with Trump. That will get you nowhere.” So the next day they issued a new statement that added a condemnation of “racism, white supremacy and neo-Nazism.

For years, the bishops’ highest priority has been to legalize amnesty for illegal aliens and welcome more of them. Since 2009, bishops celebrated Obama’s sanctuary cities, his unilateral DACA “Dreamer” declaration, and his virtual suspension of immigration law. The bishops’ welfare agencies – Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services – received generous federal funding that increased every year under Obama – and today they amount to little more than secular federal NGO’s with a “Catholic” label.
An article from Charlotte Iserbyt’s blog:

“Social (Legal) Justice is one of the three legs of a stool required to establish and balance a true Social Order. The other two legs are Distributive Justice and Commutative Justice. 

·                     Social Justice refers to the “Common Good,” which encompasses the legal descriptions set down by civil society. 
·                     Distributive Justice requires civil authorities to distribute public benefits, goods, and burdens with equity to all citizens. 
·                     Commutative Justice encourages all men to observe the strict rights of others.

The term Social Justice...appears to have become a banner which is waved in many segments of society today. It’s proclaimed by global governments, politicians, communities, and many churches, as well as schools.

“For generations there has been an activist side to the idea of wealth redistribution. This popular front, with a web of splinter groups, organizations and fellow travelers, used “social justice” as the rallying cry for cultural transformation. In fact, this movement is very much alive today, and continues to use the term as an effective banner. These social justice flag wavers have been the most vocal preachers of Collectivism; the followers of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and dozens of other socialist and communist leaders.” (2)
Most recently these people, who are rallying behind the cry for Social Justice, have come together under the banner of Sustainable Development and UN Agenda 21.”
Betsy K.
 Hi Eric -
I wanted to tell you both how much you have helped me grow in my faith.  Quick question about St Pius X.  The priest gave a homily this morning wherein he read from a book that explained the life and times of St Pius X.  It stated that he was a big proponent for separation of church and state.  It also stated that he helped propel Vatican II.  Thoughts?

Love, your brother in Christ
Nick Simon

TCK:  HOGWASH, Get out of Vatican II churches

Brother, I am wondering. When you say the end is near do you mean we are at the end of time where Jesus will return or do you mean we will now be chastised by Russia. Pleasd write back soon ok. Thank you very much.
Gerard Horn

TCK:  we are in the endtimes technically but specifically yes after the death of Antichrist there is not much more to go about a generation after the jews join the Church from the gospel

 Hi Eric,
Kurt sent me this. Thought you might be interested if you had not seen it already:
Jennifer I.



Check this out
In Christ,

Where is the True Catholic Church?
I loved my Catholic faith and the tools the Church gave me to dig for truth. I came into the RCC 2000-2002 when I was confirmed. I believed I was home in her.
I left my local parish a year ago, because I can not practice religion as I should nor will I support the contradiction.  Too painful.
How can I find True Church? I Iive in northeastern Maine, USA.

Sheryl C.
Answered privately

Hi TradCatKnight,

I emailed last week regarding your channel TradCatKnight was selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 100 Christian Youtube Channels on the web.

If you can add a link to the list to your youtube channels about us page, that would be great.


Anuj A.

My name Terence Alexander Rozzell from Quick Counseling,  I converted to Catholicism because the Holy Catholic churches in the only religious organization that has an entire division devoted to the feeding and fighting the powers of Darkness I would like to get as much information from you as I can as I am a new Catholic and I see what is going, I want to remain loyal to my faith but this Pope scares me and I know that he's not right and that he's a tool being used to bring in this new world order I know you're a very busy man but whatever time and information that you can help me with would be deeply appreciated God bless you may the Blessed Mother continue to intercede for you in the name of our Lord Jesus Chris.

Terence Alexander Rozzell

News You Don't See in U.S. Jehovah's Witnesses and Sex Abuse

Dear Friends – This report is from 2015 from Australia.  Child sex abuse in institutional settings, be it churches, scouting, etc. is not surprising.  Perps go where the children are. Randy


Jehovah's Witnesses failed to report 1,000 alleged perpetrators, child sex abuse royal commission hears

Updated 27 Jul 2015, 3:42pmMon 27 Jul 2015, 3:42pm
Angus Stewart SC 
More than 1,000 members of the Jehovah's Witnesses have been identified by the church as perpetrators of child sexual abuse since 1950 but not one was reported to police, an inquiry has heard.
The Sydney hearing was told the church adopted a scriptural response to abuse, which it abhorred, and had files relating to 1,006 alleged perpetrators, dating back to 1950.
The process required witnesses to prove abuse took place, and no allegations were ever reported to police.
A 47-year-old woman, known to the inquiry as BCB, said she was sexually assaulted as a teenager by her family friend and church elder, Bill Neill, at Narrogin, south-east of Perth in the 1980s.
The commission heard Neill is now deceased.
BCB described feeling ashamed to give evidence because she still identifies as a Jehovah's Witness despite suffering a nervous breakdown and depression as a result of the abuse.
"I would like the Jehovah's Witnesses to take allegations of child abuse more seriously and report them to the police," she said.
"I also think that those victims that are brave enough to report to elders should be properly supported and protected.
"I found the experience of reporting my abuse to a room full of men, including the man who had abused me, very distressing."
BCB revealed she considered taking sleeping pills due to the ongoing impact of the abuse but decided not to for the sake of her husband and children.

Elder admits destroying notes from meeting

A Jehovah's Witness elder, Max Horley, said he destroyed notes from a meeting about the assault of BCB.
"It was a very serious nature," he said.
We don't report it to the police. I think we encourage them to do that. But we give them the assistance to do that.
Jehovah's Witness elder Max Horley
"I took it as a huge breach of trust."
He then told Justice Peter McClellan he would have destroyed any notes about the meeting to protect the congregation and individuals involved.
Justice McClellan then asked Mr Horley if he would do the same thing today if someone reported a serious allegation of sexual assault to him.
"Yes," Mr Horley said.
"That's our practice."

Church practice not to report sexual abuse

Justice McLellan then asked him if he was aware of his obligation to tell the authorities if a serious allegation of sexual assault was reported to him.
"If we have any hesitation we contact the branch for advice on how we should proceed legally and scripturally," Mr Horley said.
"We don't report it to the police. I think we encourage them to do that. But we give them the assistance to do that."
He was then asked how he encouraged people to report sexual assaults to the police.
"My understanding, a little bit unclear because I've never had to do it - I'm not fully aware on the process but if it did come to me I would just be saying 'Look this is a matter that you need to talk to the police about'."
Mr Horley said the church required witnesses to establish whether any abuse took place if the offender did not confess.
Justice Peter McClellan responded that in many cases, there were no witnesses to sexual assault.
He then asked if there was an allegation of rape and a view had been formed that the complainant was clearly telling the truth, if there was no other person to give evidence about the rape, would it not go any further.
"I would have to seek counsel from the society to handle the situation as to how we would proceed," Mr Horley replied.
"I've never come across that yet."
Justice McClellan then asked if that was a "good place" for the Jehovah's Witnesses church to be.
"Not for the people bringing the accusations forward," Mr Horley said.
"It's a very sad situation for them."
BCB told the commission she just wanted the matter to be dealt with fairly.
"I only want to be treated fairly as a victim of abuse that was perpetrated by a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses," she said.
"I just want fair and just compensation for what Bill did."
The hearing continues.

Randy Engel

Hello Eric,

Greetings from Los Gatos, California (sadly my bishop is McGrath).  I’ve been listening to you for a couple of months now and thought it was time to ask for your address for a donation.

Also, I was just listening to your Marshall Masters interview from 12/30/16.  It prompted a question I have about the solar eclipse coming up.  When the eclipse is in totality, we should be able to see the Planet X system, shouldn’t we? I am not in the path of totality, so I will have to find it on the internet.  Problem is that I don’t trust the NASA images, cable TV, or anybody for that matter to show us what is really there (or they will delay it and cut it out).  Do you have a preferred alternative media source you will be using to watch the eclipse?  I don’t think they can take all the images down quick enough, but the cover up will begin quickly.

As you can see from my California location, I am eager to get a fix on this thing.  I know I will not survive here.  My husband can’t move his company and we have 4 young children.  I need enough advance warning to give us some chance to get to Colorado.  I feel I have my spiritual house in order (I’ve done both the Marian consecration and Sacred Heart consecration), I just need to pick up my current physical house and move it :)

I will also be attending Ed Dames last seminar (he calls it the ‘Farewell Tour’ and it is the last in the series on the prophetic date of 9/23/17!) to learn more about what is to come.  This entire rabbit hole I’ve been in for the last year started with the Art Bell interview with Malachi Martin.  I was interested in that because the priest of our parish is Fr. Gary who is the Exorcist for our parish (the Father they based the movie 'The Rite' after).  All this led me to you, Marshall Masters, Ed Dames, John Moore and may others.  I am grateful for all of you and the warnings all of you have provided.  Sadly, I can’t find a soul around here to talk to.  People think you are crazy and are too involved in their own small lives.  If you have any advice for me, please share it!  I am eager to learn as much as I can right now, before it is too late!

Julie Templeton


This should be interesting to watch how this plays out. Australia wants priests to break confidentiality of the confessional and report abuse (and I suspect other crimes).
I wonder what that heretic Francis will say about this.


Jennifer C.

Eric  Please pray for the Riley's a traditional catholic family their business is under attack http://www.dailyitem.com/news/local_news/radio-station-director-s-video-tweets-draw-protests/article_12c098a1-8719-55d2-a254-9aebde79c38c.html

Michael C.

I was watching a video from one of your recent posts about Planet X with David Meade. I was wondering if you disagree with his analysis about the arrival of this planet. He seems to think it will be this year, maybe October. 
Thanks, Mary Jones  

Hello my name is Leonardo Gomez
   I have been watching the YouTube videos. I would like to help out. 
Also I don't know how much time you have. Was interested in some sort of mentorship or guidance. About learning all this new information. 

When I read about this forthcoming event last Thursday I truly wondered. First, I thought of the supposed reason. Then I thought of how it would be manipulated by the MSM to implicate Trump supporters and Donald Trump. Well, given what unfolded, and the commentary from the MSM, I am really suspicious about the event and its outcome.

One other point if I may, on Fox and Friends, during one exchange between the Fox Commentator and a so called "expert" on the subject, the expert blurted out that the guy that ran over the woman in the event was a protestor or "antifa" while Maria Bartiromo, the Fox commentator, totally ignored the identity as such and repeatedly stated the driver was a member of the rally. Hmmm.
Below is an interesting take on which tracks my views on this matter.

Was “Unite the Right” a Soros-funded Psychological Operation? Was the goal to employ the “Pied Piper” strategy to damage the Republican brand by insinuating that Antifa goons disguised as Nazis represent the views of the entire Right Wing in America? (Is this what Creamer and Democracy Partners have been up to lately?)

Was "Unite The Right" A Staged Media Event?
This whole event feels staged.
Lets look at a few things:
  • The protesters show up with all the same TIKI torches.
  • All the same, brand new flags fresh out the wrapper. Still with the packaging folds.
  • The Mainstream Media is there and many Antifa protesters are there yet Trump supporters haven’t heard of this rally.
  • The media showed the protesters as Trump supporters and sure enough the protesters fit their view of Trump supporters and are completely different than supporters you see at actual Trump rallies.
  • Who paid for this?
  • Who got the permits for this?
  • How did all the people protesting arrive at the rally?
Just seems to fake and fits the media narrative far to well.
The media and the left are continually losing all the time at everything, then all of the sudden everything fits their narrative one day. They have so much to report on now. How convenient.
This smells of Soros, Hillary and Obama!
This rally was allegedly held over in large part to a removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in town. So why are people with Nazi swastika flags even in attendance? Unless you know, the flags have that “fresh out of the package just unfolded” look to them that were handed out to the paid protesters.
Paid Protesters

Confederate, Nazi flags, White Hoods. Heil Hitler salutes by men dressed basically the same. What did you not see? American flags. Have you ever seen a Trump rally without an American flag?

Let’s trace this event back to its origins.
Start with the Wikipedia page:
It cites this article about expectations for the rally on 2017-07-21:
That article has a “related article link” back to 2017-06-05:
Read those articles, and you can see the origins. The original application was submitted by Jason Kessler, on behalf of “Unity and Security for America”.
The event was subsequently announced on Facebook by the “Traditionalist Workers Party”.
Hopefully, that’s enough breadcrumbs to get people started on finding the true origins of this “Unite the Right” rally.
Nick F.
I am listening to your May 1, Fatima Centennial talk.  God reward you!  (I just heard you mention your email which led me to send you this.)

I am a traditional Catholic living in Springfield, IL, who attends the Holy Mass at St. Francis de Sales, a parish staffed by the Institute of Christ the King in St. Louis.

​I am a portrait artist and a teacher and I love Our Blessed Mother.  My fiance, Steve Lewis, and I are scheduled to marry on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 10 days, Deo gratias!

In the mean time, I have been developing an art lesson for children to teach and evangelize the devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary.  Steve, who is newly returned to the Church after decades, has been helping me get this program "out there".  However, as I just heard you mention in your Centennial talk, there are few people who truly understand the status of the Church.  I was just confiding to Steve, yesterday, that I can't believe how many Catholics are apathetic about the message of Fatima and the fact that this is the centennial.  He said to me, "Are you surprised?  So many of the Novus Ordo are asleep."

That said, I am attaching a brochure I spent a lot of time and prayer on.  It's two PDF's, front and back, for a letterhead-sized brochure.
​I was inspired while listening to your talk to send it to you.  I am a member of the Legion of Mary and I consider myself a slave to Her Immaculate Heart.
"O, Mary, Concieved without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."​

​"Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you."
Matthew 7:6​

​In Jesus through Our​ Blessed Mother,

Isabel Maria Armengol
-snip- Guam — which is known as the “Tip of the Spear” — is home to thousands of American service members and their families.

The tip of the spear as a flame unlatches and touches the axis of the earth. It shudders. Mountains, cities, towns, and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, and the clouds emerge from their limits, overflowing and bringing with them in a whirlwind houses and people in numbers that are not possible to count. It is the purification of the world as it plunges into sin. Hatred and ambition cause the destructive war! —reported on SpiritDaily.net
Anna O.
Hi Eric, please send me your mailing address so I can donate some money to your website. I've been following your website for about 3 years. I find a lot of your stories very interesting. My favorite stories are about Planet X, Great Catholic Monarch and Our Lady of Fatima. I also love the intro music on your youtube videos. 

I was wondering what you thought of Walid Shoebat, who recently became a Catholic and his son, Ted. I've been following them also for about 3 years and I liked his vast knowledge of Middle East and its history and its relationship to the Bible. I liked Ted's stories about the Catholic Crusades and Catholic history. I'm a frequent commenter on his site too. Lately, he and Ted have been writing a lot about the alt-right, ultra-nationalism and nazism. I don't mind that but they both seem to be very obsessed with it. He constantly talks about Germany and the Ottomans but he never talks about Israel and Zionism. They believe that the ultra-nationalists-lead by Germany- are causing all the problems in Europe and the U.S. and that they are purposely bringing Muslims and other immigrants into Europe and the U.S. to create an army of ultra- nationalists. His frequent followers are believing this.. I'm the only one out of this group who doesn't believe this. I believe that the Socialists/Communists are involved in the massive immigration invasion. For what reason- to create chaos and war?! I find it strange that he never talks about the Communists. I will bring it up occasionally but he never seems to care. A few commenters accused him of being a Marxist Globalist and he became very offended. I also frequently commented on the Great Catholic Monarch and Catholic prophecies. They both appear not to believe in these prophecies since it's not in the Bible and Walid didn't like the fact that he might have German blood. As to say that he might be a Nazi. 
Occasionally, I will mention your website or show your articles on Walid''s website. Someone responded to one of them and told Walid that you are a bigot. Walid responded and acted like he didn't know you, I thought that was very strange also, but at least he didn't agree with that guy. I know you interviewed him and Ted a couple of times.
Another very strange thing-his website is owned by a Jewish man named Keith Davies. One time, Walid did say that his biggest donor was a Jewish woman. I don't know if he really meant it or he was being sarcastic. Maybe that's why he doesn't mention anything about Israel. Why doesn't he get his own website? Or is he part of this Zionist agenda? 
I just want to know what are your thoughts about them? I won't tell them anything, I promise. I do really like them both. I'm just very confused. I don't even know if your a friends with them either.

Please don't put my email on your website. Please make it private. I know you put people's emails once a month for others to read on on your website. 

Thanks, Lidia

P.S. I will be praying for you. I hope you get better soon!!!!
Hi Eric,
 I've been saying rosaries for blessings of the Two Holy Hearts to give you God's grace and strength during your poor health.

I've been keeping tabs on BitCoin which was as much as an ounce of Gold. According to newspaper article this electronic fund/"cash" is over $2K, according to  their chart detailed it since it's inception.  You've blogged about a "cashless" society, but you haven't gone into too much exposing this form of electronic currency in a particular scenario could play out for an oligarchy elite or an AI such as a more advanced IBM's Watson (or does IBM call it after the Freemason Sir Isaac Newton)  following a global monetary crash, to bring this electronic form of payment to a global audience. That's only a scenario.  I hope you can make contact with an economic expert to go over the implications of diving into a "cashless" society. This 8 year old "electronic payment" gets my proceed with caution mode activated.

I'm up late praying, as my cross is known by God, though I'm thankful for what has God done for me so far, some of the occult people that I work with have gone while others have remained. Signs of the times.  I'm not in the military, but I scanned an article that Satan worshiping veterans want a monument. Believe me when I tell you, a Vatican II priest demanded his audience to pray the Rosary because various occult folks are in the armed forces, so in that aspect the Holy Spirit will get the word out to do spiritual warfare. Keep on reminding your audience to go to or search on search engine yahoo/google whichever on the traditional latin mass which you approve of.  I try my best to view livemass.net FSSP from Sarasota, Florida. as much as possible. One priest looked like Father Hesse. I did a double take even now I'm unsure if that was him.

Exorcists are needed in these times, and probably off the record, they prefer the older Latin Rite of Exorcism than a revised version by Modernists. Just a speculative guess.

If  God Wills it, I could donate as soon as my current situation improves. One thing which has not come to pass the continual skirmishes of the globalists paid protestors and those who care about nationalism (mingling with isolationism). These clashes have been less than I anticipated. Prayers to God does remedy the evil of our times as well as making reparation for poor sinners all said by Our Lady of Fatima. Pray for those (atheists & other sinners) who have no one to pray for them.

God bless, I hope to have another blog topic for you at a later time, but for now, please consider the possible scenarios of  how this 8 year old form of "electronic payment" is part of NWO master agendas.
Stephen U.
Hello Eric, What is the antithesis of Agenda 21?  Heaven's Agenda 1917, the Royal check-mate from His Majesty and His Queen Mother!  If you find this may be of some value to the faithful and others, you are welcomed to post anonymously.
What is the antithesis of diabolical disoriented Agenda 21?  Heaven’s Agenda 1917 [promulgated well before fallen man’s Agenda 21]:
Agenda 1917:
  • Decree Genesis 3:15 – “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.”
  • Decree Genesis 6:13 – “He said to Noe: The end of all flesh is come before me, the earth is filled with iniquity through them, and I will destroy them with the earth.”
  • Decree Genesis 22:8 – “And Abraham said: God will provide himself a victim for an holocaust, my son.”
  • Decree Luke 1:38 – “And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.”
  • Decree John 2:5 – “His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.”
  • Decree Matthew 16:18 – “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
  • Decree Luke 23:46 – “And Jesus crying out with a loud voice, said: Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. And saying this, he gave up the ghost.”
  • Decree Matthew 28:18 – “And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.”
  • Decree John 1:12-13 – “But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name.  Who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
  • Decree Apoc 5:5 – “And one of the ancients said to me: Weep not; behold the lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.”
  • Decree Apoc 6:1-2 – “And I saw that the Lamb had opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures, as it were the voice of thunder, saying: Come, and see. And I saw: and behold a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and there was a crown given him, and he went forth conquering that he might conquer.”
  • Decree Apoc 7:2-3 – “And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the sign of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying: Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads.”
  • Decree Apoc 10:11 – “And he said to me: Thou must prophesy again to many nations, and peoples, and tongues, and kings.”
  • Decree Apoc 11:3-5 – “And I will give unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks, that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire shall come out of their mouths, and shall devour their enemies. And if any man will hurt them, in this manner must he be slain.”
  • Decree Apoc 12:10 – “And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night.”
  • Decree Apoc 14:14-15 – “And I saw, and behold a white cloud; and upon the cloud one sitting like to the Son of man, having on his head a crown of gold, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat upon the cloud: Thrust in thy sickle, and reap, because the hour is come to reap: for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”
  • Decree Apoc 16:1 – “And I heard a great voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels: Go, and pour out the seven vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.”
  • Decree Apoc 18:4-6 – “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her [Babylon], my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. Render to her as she also hath rendered to you; and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her.”
  • Decree Apoc 18:21 – “And a mighty angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying: With such violence as this shall Babylon, that great city, be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.”
  • Decree Apoc 19:6-9 – “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of great thunders, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord our God the Almighty hath reigned. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give glory to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath prepared herself. And it is granted to her that she should clothe herself with fine linen, glittering and white. For the fine linen are the justifications of saints. And he said to me: Write: Blessed are they that are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

“In the end My Immaculate Heart will Triumph!”

Saint Paul summarized quite well the coming of modern man in Romans 1: 19-25 who will be defeated by the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
St. Paul to the Romans 1:19-25 - …”For God hath manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable [Jews of the Synagogue of Satan; Illuminati, Liberal Elite]. Because that, when they knew God [centuries of Catholic Missionaries around the world], they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened [Luther and Protestantism, Liberal Catholics]. For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things [Separation of Science from the Faith, Heliocentricism, Evolution, Artificial Intelligence, CERN, Genetic Engineering]. Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves [Divorce, Homosexuality, Transgender, Euthanasian, Abortion, Sex Robots]. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator [Separation of Church and State; French Revolution; Vatican II; One World Religion and Government; the Antichrist], who is blessed for ever. Amen.”
Deo Gratias,

Be sure to send your comments, messages, questions, feedback, blogs, articles, videos and latest information to apostleofmary@hotmail.com for review