"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Christian theocracy vs. NWO

Christian theocracy vs. NWO
Note:  All views expressed are not necessarily those of TradCatKnight

It is important to know that the contemporary Christian hierarchy headed by Francis in the Vatican, as well as by Patriarch Kirill in Moscow and Bartholomew, has betrayed the essence of Christianity and fallen under God’s anathema (Gal 1:8-9) – excommunication on grounds of heresies which destroy the essence of Christianity.

After the end of World War II, US President Truman said: “The system of democracy failed. However, for the time being there is nothing better.” Current pseudo democracy creates the conditions for the establishment of a totalitarian globalization government of the NWO aimed at carrying out a program of genocide of the planet – i.e. reduction to a golden billion. In 1945, CIA Director Allan Dulles said: “The war ended, somehow everything will be settled. And we shall throw everything we have – all the gold, all the material might and resources into making the people into fools and idiots. It is possible to change the human brain, the consciousness of people. After sowing chaos there, we shall imperceptibly replace their values by stealth with false ones and shall force them to believe in these false values. Thus we shall find like-minded people, our own helpers and allies in Russia itself. Episode by episode, the tragedy will be played out, grandiose in scale, of the death of the most intractable people on Earth.”
The plan of a holocaust of mankind – reduction to a so-called golden billion – has been revealed by the Masons of the Club of Rome. The NWO Masons make unity. They are found in America, Russia, France, Britain, the Vatican… They masterfully exploit democracy for their plans of moral degradation and ultimate autogenocide of the nations.
The spiritual basis of current satanization of the nations was Vatican Council II with its heresies concerning reverence for pagans and their demons and identification of the true God with the bloodthirsty god of Mecca. Vatican II’s document denying the essence of Christianity is the culmination of lies and heresies. Without it, current globalization could not exist. Today, after 50 years, we can see the disastrous fruits. The aim of the Synod of Crete (2016) was just to adopt that poisoned program towards self-destruction of the Orthodox Church.
When reading the Strasbourg memorandum, not only a Christian but also an unbeliever is shocked by this self-destructive stupidity! This, too, is backed by ecclesiastical Freemasons. Their main method is to lie, lie and lie!
NWO architects forget that the universe and our earth, a grain in the infinite universe, were created by God and that it is Him who maintains everything in existence and in remarkable order. Our life here on earth is only a short pilgrimage – a test. Death will be followed by eternity – heaven or hell. Heaven is our eternal home. However, there is a danger that we can lose it if we become slaves of lies, evil or Satan! NWO architects, de facto satanists, serve neither humanity nor God. Systems of professional lies develop in man a breeding ground for evil – original sin, kill the truth, conscience and reason and prepare eternal hell for both the individual and all mankind!
Today we know two false theocracies: NWO satanism and the establishment of Sharia law coupled with jihad – terrorism. Both these pseudo theocracies lead to hell. True theocracy is Christocracy! It must be founded on just laws, God’s and Christ’s commandments, which call good good, evil evil, justice justice and injustice injustice. To some extent, this was the practice in Europe and Russia under monarchy.
Today, the NWO architects work towards devastation of peoples through gender ideology. A boy can no longer say that he is a boy and a girl cannot say that she is a girl. This demagoguery leads to schizophrenia.
Dulles expressed the Masonic program with the following words: We shall rip out the spiritual roots, debase and destroy the foundation of spiritual morality. We will mock them and find the way of deceiving them and declaring them the scum of society.” Manipulation psychologists have cloaked these clearly worded crimes in positive terms. This program is implemented today by supranational NWO agents even in Russia.
It is necessary to outline a clear revival program and to embody it in the legislation! The NWO architects have masterfully embodied antihuman principles, psychologically formulated as positive aspects, in supranational recommendations and resolutions. Therefore it is all the more necessary that true, just and well-tried principles should be enshrined back in the laws.
The greatest commandment says: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.” (cf. Mt 22:37.39) True dignity of man lies in keeping this commandment. It is where our transcendence is rooted, i.e. focusing beyond time towards the last goal – eternity. Man has to admit his sin and receive Jesus Christ, who died on the cross even for you and your sins. Being true God and true man, He paid the just penalty for your sins. And now you are to face the inner life struggle against evil and lies in order to remain faithful to God.
The family is the basic cell of the nation. Demoralization of the young generation and strong devastating influences of the present time have caused abnormal pressure on the family with the aim to destroy it. Young people, therefore, need to be prepared for a responsible family life. This will prevent life’s failures.
The education system must be designed so as to instruct and prepare for a solid marriage and to educate in responsibility. All subversive systems, whether it be decadent music or demoralizing programs, must be paralyzed because they destroy the mind and lure into a false way.
Russia faces a big task – spiritual restoration of the nation based on Gospel principles and moral values!

Part 2: Christian theocracy vs. NWO

Proclamation of martial law and nationalization of the property of oligarchs – this is an option of a real solution proposed by the Byzantine Patriarchate in the letter to the Russian President V. Putin with regard to the critical situation. This can stop disintegration of the Russian Federation as well as the process of global satanization and create conditions for the spiritual restoration of the nation (see http://vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=14150).
Christian theocracy, or Christocracy, has deep roots in the millennial tradition of the Russian people and the two thousand year tradition of Europe. Current democracy, by contrast, is just a precursor to a total satanic dictatorship of the NWO. The salvation of peoples necessitates a wise dictatorship based on the natural and God’s laws! However, this Christocracy can by no means be built on the rule of Judases in the Church, such as the Vatican’s Francis, and they must also be prevented from interfering in it.
Christocracy must be built on a foundation of truth about God and man.
Man has reason to seek the truth, and he also has conscience to distinguish between good and evil. But man also has original sin which produces evil. That is why there are wars, and that is also why every nation needs courts and prisons.
European legislation was based on God’s commandments, namely the Decalogue. The Christian faith has never been a motivation for crime, as is the case in Islam (see Quran). Crime is the fruit of sin and proceeds from human egoism, from the source of evil in man.
What is the essence of Christianity, and what is the essence of pagan cults – Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam?
Christians worship the one true God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. By contrast, pagans worship demons. Christians follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the very Truth. Pagans, by contrast, follow their founders – human deceivers who enjoin them to kill, and even offer human sacrifices to demons. Christ has given us salvation and practical principles of life, especially – denial of our self, our ego, our pride. Pagan pseudo-messiahs, by contrast, teach people lies, arrogance, cynicism, hatred, cruelty, immorality and cheating.
Christianity truthfully answers the most basic questions that relate to every human being: 1) the meaning of life, 2) the meaning of suffering, 3) the difference between good and evil, 4) the reality of sin and forgiveness of sins in Christ, 5) keeping natural and God’s laws, 6) the righteous judgment of God, 7) life after death, eternal life. The pagan answers to these questions are, unlike the Christian ones, inadequate!
The greatest commandment of God, in which all others are concentrated, is the commandment of love of God and neighbor. It is the absolute opposite of paganism, including Islam. If a person does not have the right motivation as to the meaning and goal of human life, he may have a number of academic degrees and yet be an utter fool and a kind of biorobot manipulated by bribes or by sexual perversion, narcotics, alcoholism or other addictions.
Freedom does not mean that we should serve dissoluteness and crime! We can only be free when we respect the freedom of others. But it is absurd that today even the teachers at school or parents at home must not lead the child in the right direction. It is allegedly restriction of children’s rights. Such anti-pedagogy and anti-education makes both the individual and the entire nations unhappy, begets suffering, conflicts, depression and violence. Man has an aversion to the good and any motivation for good is viewed by him as suppression of freedom. On the other hand, he has absolutely no inhibitions concerning evil. Manipulation psychology lies in the fact that it does not show the essence, the reality that man is not free, that he is in a state of inner bondage which forces him to harm himself and to harm others too as his self-delusion is also reflected in relation to them. Today, evil is cloaked in positive terms and presented as good. Pornography, cult of cynicism, degradation of moral values are the fruits talked about by A. Dulles, head of the CIA, as early as 1945: “We shall rip out the spiritual roots, debase (demonize) and destroy the foundations of spiritual morality. In this way we shall undermine generation after generation. We shall take people up … from childhood, from youth, we shall place the main stake on young people!”
NWO programs, implemented by the CIA, UN, UNICEF, Council of Europe, WHO, with the secret aim of perpetrating a “holocaust of humanity”, are evil programs. Their architects should be brought before an international court as criminals against humanity! Such programs include mainly the promotion of gender ideology which not only sets sexual deviance as a standard but even privileges it. This is directly related to the implementation of the bestial juvenile justice system. Through the so-called social services, children are stolen from their loving parents and given to deviants. Today one can even hear of a lucrative trade in children. It is the highest level of neofascism!
The NWO, which has its roots in paganism associated with Satanism, introduces modern slavery. It involves a change of thinking, when man, as if in his own interest, destroys himself (the idea of Buddhism). NWO architects use original sin, i.e. the source of evil in the soul, to manipulate man and society! Mass media under the control of the NWO promote pseudo ideals like rock stars, satanists, fortune tellers, magicians, tricksters and sexual deviants, ending up on drugs and committing suicide! National heroes and saints who sacrificed their lives for truth and justice, and previously were true patterns to follow, are now systematically wiped out of the consciousness of the nation and questioned.
Society consists of people and man consists of body and soul. In the soul of every man, there is the core of original sin – the bondage of self-deception. Every man automatically pursues his selfish interests, cheats, exploits others, takes advantage of other people’s help, and stops at nothing in the pursuit of his goal. Conscience is stifled. The greatest danger of inner bondage is that it works through deception, enslaving the will so that man does not want to be set free from this bondage and cherishes it. He views as violence anything that leads to liberation, and completely rejects it. The only solution is the living Christ and personal conversion! Even the most perfect social system, if not based on the reality about man, cannot succeed as a just one. Only the Gospel and God’s commandments are the foundation of a wise dictatorship which gradually liberates man from the inner dictatorship of sin and leads to true freedom. The Apostle says: “Stand fast in the liberty by which Christ has made us free.” (Gal 5:1)
A democracy which does not respect the reality that man is a slave of evil gives a possibility for the misuse of so-called freedom against ourselves and others! A wise dictatorship, formulated in just legislation, is a violence from the outside to prevent the implementation of the inner violence of sin. Otherwise, crime and sin becomes the norm, as we are witnessing today.
If true freedom and a just order are to be restored, they must be built not on human speculation but on God’s standards and laws which maintain every atom, every cell and the whole universe. God has put His laws in both dead and living matter, but He has also put His laws in the human soul. Man can choose either to follow these laws or not. God knows that there are negative laws of sin, entropy and death in us. He has given His laws for us to achieve happiness and to live in truth. Sin follows the laws of lies. These laws of lies today are massively abused in the mass media to manipulate people towards their self-destruction.
The revival process must begin at the root. The only solution is to receive the Spirit of Christ and evangelical violence which triumphs over the violence of sin rooted in the soul. True freedom consists in the fact that man becomes aware of his desperate state and freely chooses to accept liberating violence that arises from the Gospel. Jesus speaks, metaphorically, about cutting off the hand, plucking out the eye, hatred for our own soul, in other words about the fight against sin in us, and He also gives us the Spirit of truth so that we have the strength to cooperate in our salvation.
After the election of the new US President, the Byzantine Patriarchate appealed to the American people for continual prayer, as hard psychological and spiritual warfare is raging. An analogous situation exists in Russia. The Byzantine Patriarchate therefore appeals to the Russian people, too, for prayer mobilization. Choose one hour of the day and pray during this hour daily throughout the year for the salvation of the Russian nation!