Monday, January 9, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, Tim Kelly "Our Interesting Times"

TradCatKnight Radio, Tim Kelly "Our Interesting Times"
Talk given 1-9-17    Aprx 1hr 10 mins

Disclaimer: Not all the views of my guests represent the TradCatKnight/Catholic position.

Note: Audio quality is dependent upon skype connectivity which is typically not great. Maximize the volume on both your computer and the youtube video itself.

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Tim Kelly is the host of Our Interesting Times, a podcast dedicated to discussing Deep State intrigues, parapolitics, conspiracies and historical revisionism. Mr. Kelly is a graduate of George Mason University, BA History. He is married and has been blessed with six children.


Donations:  For those who have been with us a month or two please get in the fight with a financial contribution for this is an information war.  Please click the paypal button and get behind TradCatKnight financially.  As a reminder, these full-length shows come to you free of charge however we maintain and grow based upon your charity.  I appreciate all your prayers and support!  For CASH, CHECK or MONEY ORDER contributions please email me at for the mailing address.

TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK:  his background and podcast, social engineering, cultural marxism, brainwash propaganda from the mainstream media, fake news and conspiracy, information war, normalization of perversion (sodomy, homosexuality & pedophilia), sexualization of society, jews and revolution, wars and false flags, close to WW3?, celebrities and their role in the propaganda machine, self centered world we live in, war on education, election analysis, redefinition of terrorist, war on terror agenda, police state and MUCH more!

TradCatKnight Radio, Tim Kelly "Our Interesting Times"