Wednesday, January 11, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, Mitchell Berger "Forced LIVE Organ Harvesting in China"

TradCatKnight Radio, Mitchell Berger "Forced LIVE Organ Harvesting in China"
Talk given 1-11-17    (aprx 40 mins)

Disclaimer: Not all the views of my guests represent the TradCatKnight/Catholic position.

Note: Audio quality is dependent upon skype connectivity which is typically not great. Maximize the volume on both your computer and the youtube video itself.

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Mitchell Nicholas Gerber is an Activist who has dedicated his life to exposing and helping to stop the Most brutal persecution and Human rights atrocity in Modern history: The State Mandated and State Endorsed Forced LIVE Organ Harvesting of the Falun; where HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS of have been murdered, since 1999 in China, sent to 36 death camps and over 700 hospitals; where their bodies are cut open while ALIVE; organs removed and sold; and the Falun Gong practitioners’ bodies are burned in ovens to conceal this horrific atrocity. 

He leaves no name, and seeks no reward; all he wants is for people to know about this human rights violation and become aware and lend their support and consciousness to stopping this barbaric and inhumane atrocity that will soon leave the worlds’ people numb, soul stirred and shocked that this has been going on for the last 16+ years!  To fail to support the Good and To fail to expose the Evil in this world is Unacceptable. Thus, we as human beings must have the courage to not remain silent, but to step forward and do what is Right!

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TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: his call to exposing this atrocity, his website and activism, groups targeted by these Communists in China, current climate in China, support groups for victim families, how does this situation affect everyone, the NWO to behead Christians for their organs?, has the U.N. spoken up?, what specific organs are they after?, NWQ global depopulation, big business, mainstream media blackout on the issue, encouragement and hope, looking ahead and MUCH more!

 TradCatKnight Radio, Mitchell Berger "Forced LIVE Organ Harvesting in China"