Blessed Anacleto González Flores- Martyr of Christ the King
Extract from "God Never Dies" by Felix Gros
Gonzalez Flores, a young lawyer who presided over the Catholic League of
Defense for the state of Jalisco, had been made prisoner by the
barbarian police of Calles, the Mason. After inhuman tortures, the
brave soldier of Christ was condemned to death for his activities in
favor of the Cristeros. Before the perfide judges he pronounced these
admirable words: "I
say only one thing: that I have worked to defend the Cause of Jesus
Christ and His Church. You will kill me, but the Cause will not die
with me. Many are ready behind me to defend it until martyrdom. I go,
but the certainty that, from Heaven, I will see the triumph of Holy
In the
cold dawn, the tortured young body of Anacleto fell under the gunfire of
the executioners. Dying in a pool of blood, the Cristero made a
supreme effort and said aloud: "May the Americas hear for a second time this holy cry: I die, BUT GOD NEVER DIES! Viva Cristo Rey!"
It was the first Friday of the first month of spring ...