Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Quote of the Day- Sound the Alarm!

It's Salza & Sisco (and their ilk) who say we must not sound the alarm and denounce the infidel impostor for the salvation of souls until after he has consummated his work of apostasy; and then later -- only after a multitude of souls have defected into apostasy, when a future pope finally declares that the destroyer of souls was not the Vicar of Christ, only then, at last, will it be permissible for us to say that the enemy was indeed the enemy.
That is not according to the mind of the Church, but is the mentality of the lunatic asylum.
Fr. Kramer 

Donations: This is a fight for Tradition. A fight for the Catholic Faith and NOT the New Religion of Vatican II.  Will you help?

 With this mindset it is these pseudo trads like Salza and Siscoe who will potentially take the mark of the beast and later await a future Pope to tell them they were wrong.