Outrage in Grand Canaries at Pastor’s Endorsement of Aberrosexual Transvestism
(Madrid) How homosexuality is made a topic fit for polite, everyday
conversation shows a flood of events. One is reported by Gran Canaria,
"the gayest island", as advertised in relevant circles.
Aberrosexualization Drag Queens Gran Canaria
Group photo: Drag Queens with pastor (in yellow) on Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria is part of the Spanish-owned Canary Islands, located off the coast of Morocco in the Atlantic Ocean.
Fernando Baez, the pastor of La Breña in Telde, left his parsonage
cloakroom to a few drag queens to dress up for a gala that took place on
the occasion of the festivities in honor of St. Joseph and Our Lady of
the Pino. One thing fits in with another, though some always seek
reassurance. The facts of an overall trend speak a different language
and result from the many, "excused" steps.
to local press reports, local bishop Francisco Cases, ordinary of the
diocese of the Canary Islands, has no intention of demanding an
explanation from Pastor Baez for this behavior, despite numerous
protests and submissions by believers.
Pastor Baez had himself photographed with Drag Queens during the gala.
Canaria was hit in the headlines recently because an Italian priest
disappeared overnight from his parish last night to "marry" his
aberrosexual friend on the Spanish island.