Thursday, April 5, 2018

What's With the "Dimond Brothers"

 What's With the "Dimond Brothers"
TCK: This is not the first person to say the Dimond brother are Jews.  A follower of Tradcatknight some years ago told me the same because they knew the Dimond brother family personally.  They are heretical agitators and I cant believe how many people take them seriously

Unless you're a Feeneyite, why do you even give the Dimond Brothers a thought? FYI, The Dimond Brothers are just 2 Jewish pseudo-converts to Catholicism who badger other Traditional Catholics in order to further destroy the movement. Don't be fooled by them.
They say they come from a "non-religious family" (i.e. Jewish pseudo-converts). They also couldn't resist changing the spelling of their last name (by removing the letter "a" from it) in order to make them look as if they're gentiles----Dimond is less obvious than Diamond. Since they have never received sacraments from anyone, they're not members of the Catholic Church unless, of course they have, dare shall I say, a strong desire for Baptism lol!

Always remember this great quote from Archbishop Lefebvre:
"Some Jews have converted, but there is a danger there, because it is not guaranteed that they have truly converted, or if they only do so in order to keep or facilitate their material interests or their position. It is very difficult to discern." - Against The Heresies Page 200
