"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, March 23, 2018




In the next two chapters I will historically study these relations between Jews and Christians. The indispensable thing here is to leave consigned the theological conclusions in whose light the history must be interpreted.


The Jewish people, whose destiny was to bring us to Christ, stumbled in Christ. Part of the people believed in Christ and built on Him to form the root and trunk of the Olive that is the Church. Another part of the people fell and renounced Him invoking the carnal pride of the race and the Jewish nation. This part of Israel was rejected and carries the blood of Christ as a curse. This part forms Judaism proper, which is the inheritance and continuation of the Rabbis who rejected Christ.
After Christ there are not, for the descendants of Abraham, but two ways: either to be Christians adhering to Christ, or to be Jews. He who knowingly does not sincerely convert to Christianity, is a Jew with all the satanic perversities of the stigmatized race.

Judaism is a declared and active enemy of all peoples in general, and especially of Christian peoples. He plays the role of Ishmael, who persecuted Isaac; of Esau, who sought to kill Jacob; of Cain, who killed Abel. St. Paul, in his 1st Letter to the Thessalonians, says that Jews are enemies of all peoples (2, 15). Observe that this is tremendous and very important. They are theological enemies. That is, it is not a local enmity, or blood, or interests. It is an enmity set by God. The Jews, if they are Jews, that is, if they have not sincerely converted to Christianity, even if they do not want to seek with lies to harm, lose and corrupt the Christians, seize their property and subject them to vile slaves. They play a theological role in this, as the devil does, of whom they are children, in the words of Jesus Christ, who said of the Pharisees: You are children of the devil and you want to fulfill the wishes of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he did not remain in the truth because there is no truth in him! when he speaks lies, he speaks of himself, because he is a liar and the father of lies. (Juan, 8, 44).

If the Jews are theological enemies, this enmity must be universal, inevitable and terrible. Universal, because it must extend to all peoples, already preventing Christianity, and accompanying it, and so we see where Christianity goes the Jews. There is no way to avoid it, because it is theological. Christianity and Judaism must be found everywhere without reconciliation and without being confused. They represent in history Lucifer's fight against God, of darkness against Light, of flesh against Spirit. They represent in time the spiritual fulfillment and the carnal fulfillment of the Scripture. The Letter must be everywhere to be a servant of the Spirit, and this is why St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that the Jew is a servant of the Church.
Enemistad terrible, because it is theological. In the Jew there is a mystery of iniquity, as Saint Jerome and Saint Justin teach, echoing Jesus Christ and the Apostolic preaching. Do not trust the Jew because he exercises enmity by pretending that it benefits you. Jesus anathematizes them by calling them infinity of hypocrites and liars. The Jew hurts without showing his hand. The Jews work behind the scenes, insinuates the great Jew Disraeli. And in this they do nothing but perpetuate what they once did with the Christ: they plotted against Him the secret plot, but their plans were executed by the Gentiles. Thus the Jewish action on the world is carried out in the shadow of the secret councils, and the characters that seem to rule the towns are no more than puppets managed by these children of iniquity.

After Christ was lifted up on Mount Calvary, the world has been given over to two truly opposing forces: the Jewish and the Christian.
In today's world, in all the manifestations of life there can be only two truly fundamental modes, two poles of attraction: the Christian and the Jew. Only two religions: the Christian and the Jewish. Only two internationalisms: the Christian and the Jew. Everything that is not of Christ and for Christ is done in favor of Judaism. Hence, the dechristianization of the world runs parallel to its Judaization.
Why can not there be more than these two modes? Because these are the only ones loved by God. They are the only theological ones. God has divided the world between Isaac and Ishmael, between Jacob and Esau, between Cain and Abel, between Christ and Antichrist. All human forces have to fold on one or the other front.
Hence, to the Gentile peoples, to us, to whom the vocation to the Christian faith has been proposed, we have only two ways: to Christianize or Judaize ourselves. Or to form in the Olive of the Church or in the barren Vine of Judaism; or be the children of Sara the free one, or of Agar the slave.
The Gentile peoples, if they want to be free and great, have no other solution than to humbly adhere to the Church; they have no other greatness in freedom than the incomparable greatness of the Christian nations of the Middle Ages, who forged the saints and the heroes, who raised the cathedrals, who educated the people in the contemplation of the saints, which gave them the sense of the beauty in the Gregorian chant and in the frescoes of the Angelic and the Giotto, who sublimated his intelligence with the Theological Sum of the Angelic Doctor. If the Gentile peoples, repudiating this greatness as obscurantist and somber, want to be great with the carnal grandeur of Babylon, they may be great, yes, but as servants of Judaism. Because the Jews have the superiority in the domain of the carnal.
And here history tells us (Werner Sombart makes the verification) that the decanted grandeur of English and American capitalism is nothing more than a Jewish creation. Unparalleled carnal grandeur, but that is the work of millions of Christians for the benefit of a handful of Jews.

The only defense and protection of the Gentile peoples to avoid falling into Jewish slavery is the Christian life. Because Christ, alone, is the Health of man. Hence, the Middle Ages have not suffered the domination of the Jews. The Jews have attacked, but never achieved domination.

The Church, recognizing the theological perversity that exists in them, knew how to subject them to wise laws and alert vigilance so that they would not infect Christians. However, the Church has never hated the Jew. On the contrary, he has prayed and has prayed for them; He has defended them from humiliation and unjust persecution, in such a way that when the Jewish Sanhedrin met publicly, for the first time after centuries, in France in 1807, convened by Napoleon, he paid public homage to the benevolence of the Pontiffs in documents that they are conserved. (Collection des Actes de l'Assemblée des Israelites de France et du royaume d'Italie, par Diogène Tama).
The Israelite Deputies of the Empire of France and of the Kingdom of Italy in the Hebrew Synod decreed on May 30 last, penetrated with gratitude for the successive benefits that the Christian clergy has made in the past centuries to the Israelites of various States of Europe;
Full of recognition for the welcome that different Pontiffs have made at different times to the Israelites of different countries, when barbarism, prejudice and ignorance gathered persecuted and expelled Jews from the bosom of societies; declare:
That the expression of these sentiments will be recorded in the verbal process of this day so that it remains forever as an authentic testimony of the gratitude of the Israelites of this Assembly for the benefits that the generations that have preceded them have received from the Ecclesiastics of the various countries in Europe.

Christians, who can not hate Jews, who can not persecute them or prevent them from living, or disturb them in the fulfillment of their laws and customs, must nevertheless guard against Jewish dangerousness.
Prevent yourself as one who takes care of lepers. Neither can one hate or persecute or disturb lepers, but precautions must be taken against them so that they do not infect the social organism. Hard thing is, there is no doubt; but it is irremediable. Thus Christians should not engage in commercial, social or political relations with that perverse caste that hypocritically has to seek our ruin. Jews must live separated from Christians because they are ordered to do so by their Laws, as we will see later, and also because they are "infectious" for other peoples.
If the other peoples reject these precautions, they have to abide by the consequences, that is, to be lackeys and pariahs of this race, to which corresponds the superiority in the realm of the carnal.

In the wandering and despicable life of the Jew, which lasts for at least eighteen centuries, the Christian mystery must be discovered. This is amply demonstrated by the abbé Joseph Léhmann, a converted Jew, in his book L'Entrée des Israelites dans la société française. (page 3)
The Jew had filled the Just with reproach. He had put a cloak of mockery on his back, a crown of thorns on his head, a cane in his hand, blows, spitting, insults, insults, shames of all kinds had lavished him, and nothing forgave him of what is disgraceful. And in the end he sold him for the vile price of thirty coins.
These insults have been found later, as punishment and penalty of retaliation, in the life of the Jewish people. Moses had already announced it: You will be ridicule and laughter of all peoples where the Lord will lead you. (Deut 28, 37).
a) Auction sale as animals of the Jews after the Jerusalem mine. It had been sold to the Just for thirty money, and at the Terebinto fair, on the plain of Mambré, it was possible to give thirty Jews for money.
b) Prohibition, for centuries, of coming to mourn over the ruins of Jerusalem.
c) Exclusion of the Jews from the ranks of society, in payment of the fact that the Jew had excluded Christ as a leper from all treatment of men.
d) The slap that in Tolosa, Béziers and other parts was bound to receive a deputy from the Jewish community, publicly, on Good Friday.
e) The wheel or yellow star that he had to wear on his chest or in his hat to be recognized as a Jew.
f) The neighborhoods or Jewish quarters where they had to live piled up.
g) The obligation in certain cities to pay up to the air they breathed, as in Augsburg, where they paid one florín per hour, and in Bremen one ducat per day.
h) Prohibition to appear in public from Palm Sunday until Easter day.
i) Insults to the wandering Jew.
j) The distrust or belief of a perpetual malice of the Jew, even in the causes between them. In Puy, the differences that arose between two Jews were subjected to altar servers, so that the extreme innocence of the judges exposed the extreme malice of the litigants.
k) In Germany and Switzerland the Jew was hung next to a dog, in mockery, because this was a symbol of fidelity.
l) Permission given to every public official to use insulting epithets against Jews.
m) Expulsion, every afternoon, from certain cities, at the trumpet blast of the Jews.
n) Prohibition to bathe in the beaches where the Christians bathed.
o) Interdiction of walking on public walks. In German cities this inscription was placed: Prohibition to the Jews and the dogs to enter here.
p) The toll, which was a right that was charged for the entry of every Jew into the city.
How long will this tremendous enmity last between Jews and Christians? Until the mercy of God sets the time of reconciliation.
Saint Paul teaches us what day will come when Israel recognizes Him whom it has denied (Rom 11).
25. But I do not want you, brethren, to ignore this mystery, that blindness has come in part to Israel until the fullness of the nations has entered.
26. and so that all Israel may be saved.
When that hour comes, which is in the hands of God, Esau will be reconciled with Jacob, that is: the Jews will become Christians, and then the word of the Prophet Ezekiel, said 500 years before Christ, will be fulfilled:
21. Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, whither they go; and I will gather them from everywhere, and I will lead them to their land.
22. And I will make them a single nation on the earth, in the mountains of Israel, and it will be only a king to send them all; and they will never be two peoples, nor will they be divided in the future into two kingdoms.
27. And I will be their God and they will be my people. (Ez., 37).
Then all "in the Christ" will be one thing, because the Jews will cease to be "Jews" and Christians will be true Christians, and peace will be realized as the fruit of justice and charity in Him, the Promised One of Abraham , to Isaac and Jacob, who is Jesus Christ, the Blessing of all the centuries.