Wednesday, August 24, 2016

One World Religion Watch: "Catholics" and Lutherans, between purification of memory and globalisation

Towards Lund: Catholics and Lutherans, between purification of memory and globalisation

Vatican Insider (my comments in red) 

Lund (Sweden) the cathedral where the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation will be taking place.

A great deal of work has gone into making  the common commemoration of the Reformation on 31 October in Sweden possible. A look at the "From Conflict to Communion” document, past rifts and  wars and ecumenism in the era of secularization in the north-south  debate .

On 31 October, Francis will visit the Swedish city of Lund to join various representatives of the Lutheran Church in a ceremony being held to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  This ecumenical event is extraordinary to say the least if one looks at European and world history over the past 5 centuries (considering it is heretical, yes), not to mention the sequence of formidable and often tragic events triggered by the monk Martin Luther’s decision to post his 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral. A great deal of preparation (NWO plan to implode Catholic Faith is thought out, yes) has gone into the gathering, which is to take place on 31 October: the idea of a joint commemoration had been the subject of reflection for some years so the path to achieving this was a well thought out one.

 In previous weeks, the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch (heretic), gave some important information during an interview with Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano (blocked me on twitter). Speaking about the ways in which Catholics and Lutherans have prepared for the joint ceremony, he explained: “We have worked on a document that shows how Catholics and Lutherans are able to commemorate (blasphemous/heretical) the Reform together. It is titled ‘From conflict to communion’ and forms the basis of the Catholic-Lutheran liturgical guide “Common Prayer” (praying with heretics is grounds for AUTOMATIC EXCOMMUNICATION) that will be used during the ceremony at Lund Cathedral on 31 October”. “Furthermore,” he added, “the key aspects of the work jointly carried out by the Lutheran World Federation’s Department for World Service and Caritas Internationalis are to be presented at Malmö stadium”: hosting immigrants, promoting peace an climate justice” (NWO objectives). The cardinal went on to say that: “Pope Francis (antipope), Bishop Munib A. Younan and Rev. Martin Junge – the latter two are respectively President and General Secretary of LWF – will lead a common prayer session in Lund and the event at Malmö, in cooperation with leaders of the Swedish Church and the Catholic diocese of Stockholm. The Pope will celebrate mass (stay far away!) for the small local community on 1 November.”

Common Christian prayer and action for the benefit of the poorest, for peace and for Creation represents a common path (New Religion jargon) that is already possible. To see how long the preparations for the 31 October event took, all it takes is one look at the document mentioned by the cardinal, titled “From Conflict to Communion”, which is the fruit of the work carried out by the joint Catholic-Lutheran commission. The text, which was published in June 2013 and which Cardinal Koch himself contributed to, says in its introduction: “In 2017, Lutheran and Catholic Christians will commemorate together the 500th  anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. Lutherans and Catholics today enjoy a growth in mutual understanding, cooperation, and respect. They have come to acknowledge that more unites than divides them (Silionism which is heresy defned by Pope St. Pius X): above all, common faith in the Triune God and the revelation in Jesus Christ, as well as recognition of the basic truths of the doctrine of justification.” “The true unity of the church can only exist as unity in the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The fact that the struggle for this truth in the sixteenth century led to the loss of unity in Western Christendom belongs to the dark pages of church history (constant attacks on Tradition and the past). In 2017, we must confess openly that we have been guilty before Christ of damaging the unity of the church.” (Blasphemy this prelate needs to be locked up!)

No surprise here. 

Heretic Cardinal Koch making the 666 sign of man antichrist hand sign!!

 Yet, there is another passage, in addition to these and other important statements, which is of particular interest in understanding the forthcoming celebration. Said passage explains the context of the commemoration. “Today, the context includes three main challenges, which present both opportunities and obligations: (1) It is the first commemoration to take place during the ecumenical age (heretical). Therefore, the common commemoration is an occasion to deepen communion between Catholics and Lutherans (there is no communion you baboon) . (2) It is the first commemoration in the age of globalization (Jews/Judaism= Globalism). Therefore, the common commemoration must incorporate the experiences and perspectives of Christians from South and North, East and West.” Lastly, the third point explains: “It is the first commemoration that must deal with the necessity of a new evangelization (new world order's evangelization) in a time marked by both the proliferation of new religious movements and, at the same time, the growth of secularization in many places. Therefore, the common commemoration has the opportunity and obligation to be a common witness of faith (heretical).” These three points, which are indeed fundamental, present ecumenical dialogue as a non-static process that is sensitive to the changes of the times, starting from approximately 50 years of ecumenical dialogue (Masonic).
Delivering a report on the joint document of June 2013, at the world Lutheran conference in Geneva, where he had been invited to speak, Cardinal Koch himself recalled the importance of the future joint commemoration which came about following an invitation extended by the Lutherans to the Catholic Church and the Pope. The cardinal of Austrian descent recalled that Benedict XVI had already gladly accepted the invitation. Among many other things, he emphasised that Christians had a duty not to forget the catastrophic consequences of the division they had experienced, particularly in Europe. He added that the same process of secularisation or today’s habit of keeping one’s faith a private affair, were also consequences of this “conflict”; the bloody wars that ensued, the divisions were not therefore to be forgotten, on the contrary all these factors of historic division needed to be dealt and only through a process of acknowledgement of past events, Koch stated, could Catholics and Lutherans share a common path (he even think about preaching conversion for "unity"?).

 Koch also referred to a speech pronounced by Ratzinger in January 2011, on the occasion of a meeting with a delegation of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Germany. Referring to the future “joint ecumenical commemoration” of the Reformation in 2017, Benedict XVI in turn, remarked that this must not turn into some kind of triumphalist celebration, but be an opportunity to show a joint commitment to following the Lord and his Word. He emphasised how vital it was to forgive the ills committed by both sides and the rifts caused (we caused no rift!). He also pointed out that there would also need to be a purification of conscience.

It is no coincidence then that the joint text “From conflict to communion”, reads: “In 2017, we must confess openly that we have been guilty before Christ of damaging the unity of the church. This commemorative year presents us with two challenges: the purification and healing of memories, and the restoration of Christian unity in accordance with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The One World Religion draweth nigh! 

TCK: In my humble opinion this prelate (Koch) is an agent of Satan, a Mason who works for the objective destruction of the Church.