Friday, August 19, 2016

10 Examples Of Illuminati DoubleSpeak

Doublespeak: An Illuminati Lexicon
People who turn reality upside down must also 
turn language on its head. Black is white and white is black.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In the Illuminati's hands, language is mind control,
part of their satanic dispensation, i.e. the NWO.

Let's turn language back on them. Let's expose their
terrorism, racism, hate, anti-Semitism and heterophobia.

"We shall purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel,  which has become its own Messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel... "  (i.e. Reality will be inverted so that Cabalists will replace God at the top. They will redefine reality according to their own interests and perversions)

In the meme above, Orwell did not go far enough.  Political language is not only designed to make lies sound truthful, but to create a bogus new reality based on the illuminati's sick political and occult agenda. 

This agenda can only be understood in terms of the big picture. The human malaise is due to the fact that the cabalist (Illuminati) bankers wish to depose God.

In practice, this means reality must be turned upside down. They, and not God (Reality), define "Truth." They define it in terms of their perversions and megalomania. As Otto Kahn, left, admitted above, they are using the Jewish people as their instrument to impose a permanent servitude on the human race.

"We shall purify the idea of God by identifying it with the Jewish people." In other words, the Jewish leadership, the Illuminati bankers, are God and Jews (and Freemasons) are their tools.

A system that turns Reality upside down is satanic. Lies are accepted as truth; evil is good; sick is healthy; ugly is beautiful and unnatural is natural. Cabalist Judaism, i.e. the Illuminati, is a satanic cult which advocates all these things.  Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are its instrument.

As mankind is inducted into this unreality, inevitably language itself is inverted and becomes a part of this oppression. 

Below I will give some examples of the warped Illuminati lexicon:---------------------------------------

1. A "Terrorist" - is anyone who does not have an air force. Terrorists who are trained and funded by the Illuminati are not terrorists but "insurgents."  Palestinians who shoot popgun rockets and kill 1-2 Israelis are "terrorists." They have "terror-tunnels" although no terror attacks have emanated from them. Israelis who in 2014 used airplanes, missiles and bombs to kill over 2000 civilians, including 500 children, and demolish apartment blocks are not "terrorists." They are "defending themselves."

When Al Queda supposedly attacked the World Trade Center, they are "terrorists." When they are taking down Syria's Assad, they are "insurgents."

2. "Hate" and "hate-speech"  is any resistance to the Illuminati's hate-fuelled plan to dehumanize and enslave the human race.  The Talmud which regards non-Jews as animals destined to serve Jews is the real hate but it is never recognized as such. Instead, they invert reality and pretend that resisting their Talmudic agenda is "hate."  

3. "Anti Semitism" is supposedly a racial prejudice. However, Jewish bankers admit to using Jews to replace God, abolish all other races, nations and religions, and establish a satanic dispensation on earth. Using Jews in this fashion is the real "anti Semitism."  The Illuminati buzzword "anti Semitism" is actually resistance to this attack on God and man.

4. "Homophobia" is actually resistance to the Illuminati Jewish attack on gender identity under the guise of "gay rights."  The real hate is heterophobia, the attack on heterosexual institutions like marriage and family. There are four million links to "homophobia" on Google, 25 times as many as to "heterophobia" (160,000.)  Heterophobia is barely recognized as a word, an example of how language is used to reshape society.  
5. "Racism"  supposedly is hostility to other races.  In fact, when they don't claim to be superior, so-called "racists" are the best friends of other races because they like other races and don't want them to disappear. They celebrate differences and recognize that mankind is a family. Of course, no one should be expected to forfeit their racial and cultural heritage to satisfy a sick Zionist agenda. "Anti racists" favor miscegenation so that all races but Israeli Jews will disappear. 

6.  "Sexism" is supposedly hostility to women. In fact, sexism is heterosexuality. By acknowledging the differences between the sexes, sexists are woman's best friends. Similarly, "feminism" pretends to champion women while actually denying their femininity, encouraging lesbianism and depriving them of their special social role of mother and wife. To reject "sexism" is to hate women, deny inherent gender differences and to advocate women behave like men.

7. "Diversity" pretends to celebrate all ethnic and sexual differences. In fact, it is aimed at curbing genuine diversity by eradicating the influence of European Christian (heterosexual) culture.

8. "Isolationist" is someone who opposes using their country's resources and young men to advance the banker's imperialist satanic agenda. "Fighting for freedom" is actually fighting for slavery (by expending the nation's resources fighting wars designed to enrich the bankers and kill goyim.)

9. "Human rights." These are privileges conferred on people who can be used to deprive other people of their human rights. "Gay rights," for example, are used to undermine the heterosexual and family identity of 98% of the population by convincing them that sick is healthy and unnatural is natural.

10. "Patriot" Act. The name uses the 9-11 Illuminati false-flag to gut real human rights and justify constant war and surveillance. It is the "Treason Act." Truly we have entered an Orwellian era of doublespeak.

Cabalists are reality creators. They make reality through their ownership of the education system and the mass media. Naturally, they use language to invert the truth and slander their opponents. In their hands, language is our enemy.

Let's reclaim those buzzwords and say, I am proud to be an "anti Semite, homophobe, sexist and racist" because it means I am resisting tyranny and defending my identity. I demand real diversity, human rights and patriotism, not doublespeak.

The only real "hate" and "terror" originates from the Illuminati who hate both God and man. 

I welcome your suggestions for the  Illuminati lexicon. 

Note: 1. Here are four more Illuminati buzzwords. "Conspiracy" - According to the Illuminati media, "conspiracy" denotes the preposterous concept that some people might target others without advertising the fact and providing the victim with advance warning. (In fact, Western society has been shaped by a Masonic-Jewish conspiracy against God and man.) "Tolerance" is applied selectively, e.g. tolerance for expression of occult beliefs; zero tolerance for Christian belief. Similarly, "Free Speech"  - Pornography is free speech but criticism of homosexuality is "hate." "Equality" - the notion that different things are the same. i.e. gay marriage is the same as heterosexual marriage; men in combat are the same as women in combat.